Digital Accessibility for JCCs

Digital accessibility is an important part of inclusion

Your JCC has ramps and elevators to ensure that everyone can participate. Your digital presence should be no different. Especially in the post-COVID era, websites, membership systems, and mobile apps all need to be built and maintained in order to be usable by members with disabilities.

Upgrading to digital accessibility is an important part of your inclusion efforts and a concrete way to live your values. Plus, accessibility can help you accommodate the needs of older members and improve the user experience for everyone.

Why Access Armada

Access Armada was founded by the original chief technical architect behind the JCC Digital Coop and boasts nearly a decade of experience working closely with Jewish Community Centers and Y’s on their web presence. We are intimately familiar with popular JCC membership systems including Daxko, Online Edge/QuattroC, and Traction on Demand and can build on existing relationships with those vendors.

How digital accessibility helps

Building accessible web and digital experiences ensures that users with disabilities can access and understand your message and successfully operate important functionality including registrations and donations. Here are some of the ways you can become more accessible:

  • Support page zoom and resize functions to support visually impaired users
  • Code your site to be compatible with screen reader software used by many blind users
  • Provide closed captions and audio transcripts for deaf or hard of hearing members
  • Keyboard operable interfaces and large click areas support users with tremors or lack of fine motor control
  • Select colors that can be easily read by color blind or visually impaired users

Accessibility Solutions for JCCs

Whether you’d like us to take a look at your existing site, help you make fixes, or review designs for a new site to make sure you build it right the first time, here's how we can help:

Web Accessibility Audits & Testing

We can help pick the best place to focus your efforts to find the most insight and set you on the path to WCAG and ADA compliance.

Accessibility Fixes & Remediation

Whether you opt for our remediation-first approach or need to address issues found in an audit.

Design & UX Reviews

The best time to address accessibility is before you build. Review your designs to catch any problems early.

Mobile App Accessibility

Mobile apps are subject to all of the same accessibility requirements as websites. We can audit Android and iOS apps so that your developers can bring it into ADA compliance.


Self-sufficiency in accessibility is a worthy goal and we can help you get there.

24/7 Monitoring

You put in all this hard work to make your site accessible. Let us help you make sure it stays that way. Starting at $25/month.

Email Accessibility

Emails are also subject to ADA accessibility requirements. We can help remediate your templates and help you spot potential issues when drafting new emails.

PDF Accessibility

PDFs have their own accessibility requirements and we offer remediation services so that they remain compliant and training options so that you can take care of this on your own.

Big improvements on nonprofit budgets

We know from experience that JCC digital budgets are tight. That’s why Access Armada comps the homepage (or equivalent first page) as part of all eligible engagements. Here’s the deal:

  • Just 3 Pages

    Any web or mobile engagement covering 3 pages, templates, or screen is eligible.

  • First Page Free

    We suggest starting with the homepage, but we’ll comp any page you choose including donation pages. That’s a discount of up to 33%.

  • One Year Monitoring

    We monitor 24/7 to ensure that your covered pages remain accessible.

Contact Us

Take your first step to a more accessible and inclusive website.
